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How about: "You don't have to fight with me to win. How about we find a way that we can both win. That way we will both feel good."


"Violence is never a good way to solve a difference of opinion. Talking about it works much better and uses less energy."


"Fighting is stupid. Are we going to be stupid?"

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Q: What are good comebacks to say when someone wants to fight but you don't?
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dont swere okay! just say "the only friend you have is your mum!" it really works!

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the quote "It takes two to make a quarrel" means that if someone is trying to get in a fight with you and you dont answer then there wont be a fight. if you do answer then there will be a fight.:) if you dont want to get in a fight then you dont have to answer them and then they will just leave!!!!:)

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they feel upset or angry because that someone made fun of them and they dont like it. They also feel embarrassed and thats why you've got to think of comebacks so that you wont feel embarrassed by yourself.

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i dont fu kin no

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it shouldn't fight i know because i have guinea pigs and they don't have a real fight

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well there is nothing wrong with two partners just dont see them both on the same night

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you should fight it so that someone else doesn't have to

How do you get in a fight?

well if its someone you hate you could push them around or like insult them and then they will get pissed at you. so when they are pissed, or dont like you, you set a date to fight.

If a girl want to fight you and you dont want to fight what do you do?

I would talk to someone of a higher authority. Ex. teacher, their parent, your parent, the police etc.