The Six Samurai are a series of Yu-Gi-Oh monsters representing a famous band of samurai warriors, as well as a few associated characters like their grandmaster. Legendary Six Samurai are the previous generation of Six Samurai, and you can see that they still exist in the present time, ie, Legendary Six Samurai Shi En -> Great Shogun Shien, Legendary Six Samurai Enishi -> Enishi - Shien's Chancellor, Legendary Six Samurai Kageki -> Chamberlain of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Mizuho -> Hand of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Shinai -> Spirit of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Kizan -> Grandmaster of the Six Samurai.
When a card refers to a 'Six Samurai' monster, it means any monster with the words "Six Samurai" in the name. Therefore those cards will affect monsters such as Hand of the Six Samurai, and the 'Legendary Six Samurai' monsters.
Monsters: legendary six samurai - enishi (1) kagemusha of the six samurai (1) witch of the black forest (1) shien's squire (2) legendary six samurai - shinai (3) the six samurai - kamon (1) marauding captain (2) legendary six samurai - kageki (2) legendary six samurai - mizuho (2) freed the matchless warrior (2) spells reinforcement of the army (3) the warrior returning alive (3) last will (2) six strike - triple impact (2) legendary ebon steed (1) shiens castle of mist (1) pot of greed (1) wicked-breaking flamberge - baou (1) monster reborn (1) sogen (1) united we stand (1) traps trap jammer (1) trap hole (2) backs to the wall (2) covering fire (1) swift samurai storm (1) extras x - saber urbellum (1) gaia knight - force of earth (1) proxies hand of the six samurai (2) grandmaster of the six samurai (2) double edged sword technique (2) shiens smoke signal (3) legendary six samurai - enishi (2) (then the other six samurai monster i forgot his name) (3)
No. The Six Samurai protective effect can't be used to protect a Six Samurai monster from an effect that would be destroying all of the Six Samurai monsters simultaneously.
The short answer is no, Legendary Six Samurai - Shi Encannot use its effect to destroy another face-up "Six Samurai" monster you control to save itself from Elemental Hero Absolute Zero's effect.The reason for this is the same for any "Six Samurai" monster that has the same effect: If all of your "Six Samurai"monsters would be simultaneously destroyed by a card effect, you cannot activate _________'s effect to destroy another "Six Samurai" monster instead.
The abillity to special summon each other. And shyncro for shien. And its just a really fast deck. All tho the regular six sams are not as good as the legendary ones even tho there effects are better! They can't special summon each other
The effect of Legendary Six Samurai Shi En can only negate the initial activation of a Spell/Trap card. If you're asking if you can negate Fusion Gate as soon as your opponent activates it, and before he can use its effect, then the answer is yes.
It's not necessary
The duration of Six-String Samurai is 1.52 hours.
Six-String Samurai was created on 1998-08-25.
Six-String Samurai was released on 09/18/1998.
The Production Budget for Six-String Samurai was $2,000,000.