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Q: What are some example of connotation with violence?
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What are some example sentences with the word connotation?

Can you restate that sentence without a negative connotation?There was a connotation of grief in his voice.

What is an example of connotation of ray?

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How do you use the word connotation in a sentence?

The expression "hitting on" meaning trying to start a relationship, has a connotation of violence.

What is an example of connotation?

The connotation is what you think of when you hear that word. For example, some people think of how cute cats are and their first cats, etc...some people hate cats, and that's what they think of when they hear the word. Here's another example: thin and scrawny. Which one has the more positive connotation? Thin. Scrawny sounds like a malnourished and ugly thing to be, but thin sounds attractive and positive.

What connotation does the word struggle have that adds to the poems tone?

Desperation (APEX)

What is an Example of water connotation?


What connotation means?

Connotation means an idea or feeling that invokes a person the literal meaning. For example, the word discipline gives the connotation of unhappiness.

What is a connotation for inured?

The connotation of "inured" is often negative. People become inured to violence, injury, insensitivity, injustic, etc.. This means that they get used to it (even though, in ideal circumstances, they shouldn't have to).

What does scientific connotation mean?

connotation means an idea or feeling that invokes a person the literal meaning. For example, the word discipline gives the connotation of unhappiness.

Example of connotation and denotation?

(denotation)-red rose with green stem... (connotation)-Passion of love.

Is the word gang postitive or negative as a connotation?

The word "gang" typically carries a negative connotation. It is often associated with criminal activities, violence, and intimidation. However, it is important to note that there are some instances where the term "gang" may be used neutrally or even positively, such as in the context of a group of friends or a community organization.

What is an example of connotation in catcher in the rye?

An example of connotation in "Catcher in the Rye" is the word "phony," which Holden Caulfield uses to describe people whom he perceives as fake or insincere. This word carries a negative connotation and reflects Holden's deep mistrust of others and his desire for authenticity.