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Spirit guardian

skywalker be creative

good luck, i have a level100 lucario named SKYWALKER :)

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Q: What are some good Lucario nicknames?
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How cool is Lucario?

lucario is amazing, especially if it has good moves taught to it.

Rate my team and give me some good nicknames level100 Arceus level100 Shaymin level100 Darkrai level100 Dialga level100 Manaphy level100 Lucario I caught them myself and trained them.?

100 times 10 is 1000(one thousand)

Is Lucario a bad Pokemon?

Lucario isn't that bad! It's a Fighting-Steel Type Pokemon that learns some pretty good moves. It just depends on your opinion.

Is Lucario good?

Most likely. Lucario is Fighting and (?)Steel(?). Metagross is Steel, and Lucario can totally defeat Metagross, so this is one vote for Lucario. That is so not true... Firstly, Metagross is Steel/Psychic, which means that Lucario is not super-effective against it. Secondly, Metagross can use Earthquake, a move which totally pwns Lucario. Of course Lucario can also sue Earthquake, so they're more or less evenly matched. your answer sucks big time, of course metagross is better

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Is Lucario weak?

no it is not a high level lucario is a good Pokemon to have and his attack aura sphere is one of the best on the game