Stone Cold Steve Austin has used 7 main themes over his time in the main companies (wCw, ECW and WWF/E). His first (as a member of the Hollywood Blondes), was a theme created by the wCw Production Team. His second, in ECW, was called "Jesus Christ Superstar", which was created by Andrew Lloyd Webber. His first in the WWF was named "Hell Frozen Over", which was created by Jim Johnston, the WWF's personal music maker. The next in the WWF was called "I Won't Do What You Tell Me", which was also created by Jim Johnson. The next one was called "Oh Hell Yeah", which was performed by H-Blockx. It was featured on WWF: The Music, Volume 4. His second to last one was named "Glass Shatters", performed by Disturbed. This was the song he used for Wrestlemania 17 and events around this time. His final one was called "Venomous", created by Jim Johnson. He used this as his heel theme when wCw invaded the WWF in 2001. Note - He returned to using I Won't Do What You Tell Me after being a heel in the wCw invasion.
Steve Lukather has released many songs during his duets and also his solo career. Songs such as "Borrowed time" and "Red House" are examples of songs on one of his many albums.
The names of the killers songs are:dustland fairytale,when you were young,somebody told me,human,and lots of other songs.
Journey songs with "summer" in lyrics = "Suzanne" and also "Stone In Love". This is not a complete list, only ones that I remember.
Stephen by ke$ha
There are quite a few songs that Steve Ray Vaughn has been involved with. Some of his most famous songs include Texas Flood, Couldn't Stand the Weather, and The Sky is Crying.
well they have to many songs to name
gooby, starring robbie coltrane, david james elliott and eugene levy, not to mention stone cold steve austin xx peace. watch that movie now
I'm not sure of all the names, but if you look up lord of the rings soundtrack on youtube the songs will all be there
The names of some songs that Andrew Johnston sung are "No One Out There Like You," "You're Whoa and There," and "Cans and Cans and Yams." These are three popular songs.
The soundtrack is by The Queens of the Stone Age.