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Q: What can you carry for self defense in Illinois?
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Self defense

Why do woman carry guns?

Normally, for the same reason men carry guns. For self defense.

What is Students for Concealed Carry's motto?

The motto of Students for Concealed Carry is 'Supporting Self-Defense on Campus'.

Is it legal for Merchant Marine Ships to carry firearms for self defense?

At sea, but not in port.

What items should kids carry in their school bags to use as self defense?

pepper spray?

Is it legal to carry pepper spray in Nebraska?

Pepper spray is perfectly legal to be carried in Nebraska for self defense.

What do a tiger do for self defense?

self defense of tiger

Can you legally carry a pistol in your car?

It depends on where you live, and if you are required to have a permit for a handgun yes, because you may just need it for self defense You may need it for self defense, but the question was is it legal. The answer is, it depends on where you are. In the U.S. you can carry a pistol in your can without a permit in some states, but some states require a permit.

What animals spray for self defense?

Horned lizards spray blood from the corners of their eyes in self defense. Camels sometimes spit, not always in self defense, but sometimes it is in self defense. Chinchillas spray in self defense. Some snakes spit in self defense, and so do cats. Skunks spray a liquid from their anal sacs in self defense.

Can an adult carry a concealed weapon in Illinois?

No, Illinois has not approved concealed carry.

Is it legal to carry pepper spray during a repossession act in Florida?

Yes, it is legal to carry pepper spray for self-defense purposes in Florida, including during a repossession act. However, the use of pepper spray must be in self-defense and within the bounds of the law. It is important to use pepper spray responsibly and understand the relevant laws and regulations.

May you carry on self-defense spray on the airplane?

Definitely not. It is a prohibited item and if you're found with it, it may be confiscated and you may be arrested.