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Smackdown is on MY9.

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Q: What chanel does WWE smackdown come on?
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What chanel do they do WWE on?

WWE Raw is on USA and Smackdown is on My 9

What chanel do smackdown come on do it come on US?

It comes on the cw channel

What channel is smakdown on cable?

WWE Smackdown is not on MyNetwork, country music is on. What channel does WWE Smackdown come on with Knology cable?

When does smackdown vs raw 200000 come out?

there is no such thing of wwe smackdown vs raw 200000

When will WWE smackdown vs raw 2011 come out in Asia?

It will come out in November

When does WWE Smackdown come to Bakersfield?

Only time can tell that answer.

Is WWE coming to Calgary?

WWE goes around the world(smackdown,raw)it does come to Calgary

When does WWE smackdown vs raw 2010 come out?

oct 21

When will WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2010 come out?

It been out and the 2011 is out

What is the duration of WWE SmackDown?

The duration of WWE SmackDown is 2 hours.

Who is WWE's dante?

wwe`s dante is a new wwe smackdown superstar you can see on wwe smackdown or .

What chanel does WWE main event come on dish tv?

216 its ION