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they put them in a sharps container and store them until u are able to pass it off to a hospital or other hazardous waste sites. there are many sizes for sharps containers alot the medics carry are small enough to fit in a pouchon the kit or in their aid bag.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Check the local electronics retailer for mounts for large and small, to any size for televisions. They shouldn't cost too much and maybe if you are lucky, they will throw in a free installation just for you!

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Q: What do combat medics do with used needles?
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No - Navy personnel fill that role.

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The Elgin Hour - 1954 Combat Medics 1-19 was released on: USA: 14 June 1955

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There are a number of types of 'medics' there are emergency response medics, combat medics and first aiders, who all need different kinds of training. Each are involved in different fields of aid and have their own specialties.

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68Ws (Combat Medics)

Does the marines or army put women in combat. And what jobs can we do in combat?

Yes they do and they do almost all jobs that males do. EG field medics

Does the USAF have combat medics?

Yes, they're known as Para Rescue, although the context is a bit different from what an Army combat medic would be.

What army regulation state that the combat medic authorized to received a combat action badge?

Medics cannot receive CABs (Combat Action Badge). Instead, they receive the CMB (Combat Medical Badge) for treating wounded soldiers in a combat situation.

Who is eligible combat medic badge?

It used to be only Combat Medics who held the 91B MOS. With the reorganisation which occurred within the Army from 2001 - 2004, 91B was folded into the 68W MOS ("healthcare specialist"), and anyone with a 68 series MOS became eligible for the Combat Medic badge. So, rather than being exclusive to line medics, as it once was, any fobbit working the prescription counter and who never leaves the wire earns a CMB.

What are field medics or combat medic credentials?

They're called "Healthcare Specialist" now, with the reorganisation which took place from 2002 - 2004. Previously, Combat Medics did not even possess a basic EMT licence. Now, as "Healthcare Specialists", they do, and better opportunities are provided to them to upgrade to EMT-I or EMT-P. Good stuff.