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Damiens Dinner Time (Jake The Snake Robert invented it)

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Dash Double Takedown

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Dash Double Takedown.

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Q: What does DDT stand for in wrestling?
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What does the wrestling move ddt stand fot?

ddt in wrestling stands for direct diving takedown

How do you do your finisher in wrestling encore?

go to the top rope. and then DDT

How do you fake the wwe ddt?

You don't! the wrestling moves are not faked!

The initails ddt stand for a type of?

ddt stands for DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane. It is a synthetic pesticide

What is the long form of DDT?

The initials DDT stand for a type of pesticide. The full name is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.

What does DDT stand for?

On 1972 DDT stands for Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethanedichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, it is an insecticide that is toxic to people and animals.

What do ddt stand for in the WWE?

Dash Double Takerdown

What are some wrestling moves?

DDT, Twist of Fate, Pedegree, Sweet Chin Music, and Moonlight Drive

Who invented the ddt wrestling move?

Jake "The Snake" Roberts invented the DDT in a match by accident, he was holding an opponent in a front face lock and tripped on his opponent's foot and fell backwards.

What does the wrestling move DDT stand for?

Rumors abound as to what the letters DDT supposedly stood for, including Drop Dead Twice, Demonic Death Trap or Damien's Death Touch, Death Drop Technique and Damien's Dinner Time after Jake's pet python Damien

Where does the wrestling commentator stand?

they dont stand they sit

Does WWF still stand for world wrestling federations?

Yes, WWF does stand for World Wrestling Federation. However, they have changed it to the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).