Raw doesn't stand for anything, it's just a name, Monday Night Raw.It may be stand for Real Action Wrestling i think it stands for Really Awesome Wrestling, jk
wwe's Monday night Raw stands for ( Real Athletic Wrestling )
STRV stands for short tons, raw value
Raw doesn't stand for anything, it's just a name, Monday Night Raw.It may be stand for Real Action Wrestling i think it stands for Really Awesome Wrestling, jk
Random Access Memory for photography and photo shop
The 'G' in G-Star stands for 'Gap'.
If you spin an egg and it stands up on end, it means it is hard boiled (solid inside), if it is raw it will wobble because it is liquid inside.
on the wwe smackdown vs raw video games caw stands for create a wrestler
TB generally stands for turnbuckle, which is the padded piece of medal in each corner of the ring.
NEF stands for Nikon Electronic Format. It is NikonÕs RAW file format that features image information and metadata received from the cameraÕs sensor.
9RAW stands for "raw vision". It is attached to all the Channel Nine News footage so that everyone knows where it comes from.
G Star Raw is a clothing brand owned and funded by George Lucas. Not a lot of people know that. G therefore stands for George. Star Raw - is Star War(s) and 3301? George was aged 33 when the 01 movie was released. You heard it here first!
HUD stands for Heads Up Display when you are playing in a match it shows your HUD Name how hurt your character is and if your character can do his/her finish move