Slavic God of war and patron of warriors Perun.
There are several patron saints of soldiers but the best known is St. Michael the Archangel.
Do you mean the Warriors book series movie? If so, there is not a Warriors movie out.
I assume you mean Fireheart from warriors. Yes, he is a boy.
Yes, Ares was the patron god of the city-state of Sparta in ancient Greece. He was considered the protector of the city in times of war and his worship was prevalent among the Spartan warriors.
Mon patron is "my boss" in French. In French, the word is never used to mean 'customer'.
yellow zone for patron apprears
A patron in French is a boss (not a customer). 'le chef du patron' is "the boss' chief".
The name 'Kimmy' means Leader of Warriors.
Wrong forum.
Head Chef.
what do you mean? as far as i know there isn't gonna be one idk if that answers your question though.