A male wolverine is simply called a wolverine. Baby wolverines are called kits. The wolverine has great strength and can kill prey many times its size.
A Wolverine young, like a baby fox, is called a kit
I think he had about 1000000000.1
Yes, it will be called The Wolverine.
Yes. It is called The Wolverine. Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine when Wolverine travels to Japan to train with a samurai warrior.
The name of the caracter wolverine is the same in any languages.But in French, the animals "wolverine" is called "carcajou".
Wolverine was created to make a good actor in the x-men series and was made or based of the animal called the wolverine
= X-Men Origins: Wolverine =
5-6 months
A baby wolverine is call a "kit".
== == James Howlett was Wolverine's real name, but most of his friends called him Logan.