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Q: What is a word for armed combat between two people?
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Related questions

What is the noun of combat?

The word 'combat' is a noun, a singular (uncountable), common, abstract noun; a word for fighting between armed forces; a word for a concept.

How do you spell soljar?

The likely word is "soldier" (armed combat individual).

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What is the word when people are forced to join the armed forces?


Which noun is battlefield?

The noun 'battlefield' is a singular, common, compound noun. The noun 'battlefield' is a concrete noun as a word for a location where a battle is or was fought; a combat zone; a word for a place. The noun 'battlefield' is an abstract noun as a word for a situation in which people disagree and cause problems for each other; a word for a concept.

The word that means fighting carried on by armed forces between nations or parts of a nation?

the answer is war. i have it on some crossword puzzle

What does ordnance mean?

Ordnance refers to military weapons and equipment, such as ammunition and combat vehicles. Ordnance is also the name of that branch of an armed force that handles such supplies. **This word should not be confused with 'ordinance' - a local law or regulation.

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Could you use the word lethality in a sentence?

As the armed fighting increased, the local people feared the escalating lethality of the situation.

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