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when can self defense be used? Self defense can be used when one feels that he/she is in imminent physical danger. Lethal self-defense (resulting in death or great bodily harm of the attacker) can be used if one believes they must use it to avoid the death or great boodily harm of themselves or others.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Only if it can be proven in a court of law that the actions were deemed reasonably justified in keeping yourself from harm...key word being "reasonably". Just don't abuse your right to do this (no matter what you use to do so).

The best way I have found out questions like this is to visit some self defense weapons website that have this information already on their site - this way you can keep yourself informed ( There aren't many of them out there, but there are in fact some.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You should only use self defense when somebody else is trying to hurt you, or when there is a very likely cause that someone is about to hurt you.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Self defense is the act of killing someone who is abusing or prowling at you. The DA will never press any charges if you killed someone in Self Defense.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Self control and self confidence are more important.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

The self-defense of one's person or interests, particularly thru using bodily pressure, that's approved in sure instances as a solution to a rate of violent crime.

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See section 197 California penal code for self defense, which includes use of deadly force in self defense.

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If it was truly self-defense, there may not be any sentence. If it was clearly self-defense, there may not even be charges brought.

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In the Korean language, "hosinsul" (호신술) means "Self Defense" or "self defense techniques."

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Martial art is only one, and the methods are different, the martial art is by essence self-defense, so if your method of applying the techniques is effective then your style is the best in self-defense. You can visit my Youtube channel for self-defense videos @elmolishow

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