A batista bomb is a move in professional wrestling similar to a powerbomb.
Batista's move is a Batista bomb and spear , Undertakers moves are a choke slam and tombstone,Triple H's move's are a spinebuster and a pedigry and correct me if I'm wrong about the pedigry
Airbourne or the Batista Bomb.
do triple h's rtwm for one of them. then do batista and ray's as batista for another, then redo it as ray for the last one
Batista's real name is David Michael Bautista, Jr.Dave batista
Adrian Batista goes by Batista.
Batista isn't From the Phillipines. Batista is From Washington, DC.
Batista's wife?
No! but Batista is.
Batista doesnt have the abilitie to steal taunts, like Melina or Edge or Cody Rhodes, etc. would be able to do, but Batista has a spear of his own, which is what you have to use. Lock in your signature move, (this is not a finisher move), then run toward Edge and press the finisher button.
No he does not. Batista has a sister named Donna. No he does not. Batista has a sister named Donna.