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cover blocks enemy fire, concealment doesn't and only provides stealth support

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Q: What is the definition if cover and concealment?
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What is cover and concealment?

Cover is protection from enemy fire, such as a solid barrier that can stop bullets. Concealment, on the other hand, hides you from sight but may not provide protection from gunfire. Both cover and concealment are important for staying safe during combat.

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Fields of fire, avenues of approach, obstacles, and cover and concealment

What is the purpose of cover?

Gives protection from bullets, fragments and some CBRNE agents, as well as concealment from enemy observation.

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What are the key considerations when identifying hazards associated with the civilian factor of?

Fields of fire, avenues of approach, obstacles, and cover and concealment

What are the key considerations when identifying hazards associated with the civilian factor?

Fields of fire, avenues of approach, obstacles, and cover and concealment

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