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Self-defense is a thing that happens in the moment. You defend yourself with only necessary force at the time you are assailed. Retaliation is after the fact. Say someone beat you up & left you lying in the street, and then they left the scene, maybe to a bar or back to their home. If you track them down and try to hurt them for what they did to you, that is retaliation.

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Q: What is the difference between self defense and retaliation?
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Self defense is the only one I can think of, and even then - you can legally use only the amount of force necessary to stop the attack WITHOUT TAKING RETALIATION OR REVENGE. However, the 'battery' part of your charge would seem to rule out this defense.

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How do you use retaliation in a sentence?

1.In retaliation for their opposition, the king stripped the barons of their titles. 2. During the Cold War, neither side could use atomic weapons without risking nuclear retaliation. 3. A feud is self-feeding, for each killing requires retaliation. 4. An eye for an eye is a law in the bible which calls for retaliation

How do you plead self defense in California?

See section 197 California penal code for self defense, which includes use of deadly force in self defense.

Can a female go to jail if her mama hits her and she hitts her back?

It depends on self-defense laws in your state. Most states will allow reasonable self defense (not retaliation). The problem is whether the mother was using unlawful force against the daughter. If she is elderly, it will be difficult for a defendant to justify necessity against an elderly individual. Also, self-defense will require that the force used was only the amount necessary to protect yourself against unlawful force. I'm assuming the mother in this situation is hitting an adult child who no longer needs discipline. If it is a situation of parental discipline (not to the level of assault), then you cannot hit her back in the name of self defense.