In WWE then known as WWF, legendary WWE music produce Jim Johnson wrote it.
i read in a book that wwe's umaga was Dwayne Johnson's uncle!
Dwayne Johnson (previously known as "The Rock" in WWE wrestling)
No. As of May 2011, Dwayne Johnson (also known as "The Rock") is alive and well.
NO, he did-not
" You think you know me" - Jim Johnson (The WWE up+graded)
WWE does not own the name The Rock. He is an actor now and is known by his real name, he still uses The Rock.
Dwayne Johnson by far
As a Wrestler - only with the WWE
It was bill Johnson and his homosexual friend
He a writer for wwe smackdown
WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment was formerly known as the WWF, the World Wrestling Federation. Some of the top WWE classic superstars include "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, The Undertaker, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.