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Judo is not a game. Judo is a martial art and an Olympic discipline. So, it is more appropriate to say that Judo is practiced instead of played.

Judo is practiced in a dojo.

A dojo is the place where Japanese Martial Arts are practiced.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

All countries, it is the second most popular sport in the to soccer (futbol).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

In a dojo (japanese word for judo hall) with mats/ padding on the floor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You don't play karate, you practice it, since it is a self-defense method of fighting. And you practice it in a do-jo.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Judo is famous everywhere. It is known throughout the U.S.A., Europe, and especially Asia.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Any country can DO Judo but it is mostly Japan and countries in Asia and Europe.

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How popular is judo in France?

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How did Judo come about'?

A guy called jugaro kano, who was quite small when he was a kid, was picked on a lot. so he eventually started taking jujitsu lessons, until he was a young adult. jujitsu is very dangerous (you break a bone in almost every throw) so jugaro kano wanted to make it safer. very long story short, he made this new variation called judo (the gentle way [don;t be deceived, it is still violent]) after it became popular, there was a huge match with judo vs jujitsu, to see which one would become the official martial art of japan, and judo won! now there are 2 major judo organizations (united states judo association, untied states judo federation) and it is the 2nd most popular sport in the world i have been doing judo for 5 years and have gone to 6 competitions

What is the most popular individual sport played in the world?

soccer. In Italy they call it football Soccer is a team sport..Maybe tennis.. The most popular individual sport in the world, if we are talking 1 v. 1 person is Judo. It ranks second behind Football (Soccer) as the most popular sport in the world also.

What sport has the most contact?

Judo or Greco-Roman Wrestling

What sports can you play in France?

Popular sports played in France include football, judo and tennis.

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What is the most popular adult recreational sport in America?

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