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This question is as touchy as religion. Almost all martial artists say that their style is the best. This is a question that you will have to determine for yourself as I am sure you will get many answers. Karate is stronger in that whether it be Kempo, Shitoru, or whatever they all focus on muscling and overpowering your opponent. Quite simply in this theory the bigger stronger individual will always emerge the victor. Kung Fu as well has many styles that teach many things. There are hard styles but the more renowned styles focus on soft techniques. For example Shaolin kung fu has a good balance of hard and soft styles as well as focusing on internal and external Martial Arts. Yet, most of its movements are designed to be pretty and/or mimic animal movements which uses a lot of energy that is really wasted when quite simply a straight punch to the nose would have as much or more affect with minimal energy. Wing Chun, or also popularly known as Wing Tsun, is a chinese Kung Fu style that employs this exact principle. It combines defense and attack in that you never have to muscle you opponent and use their energy and momentum against them. It was actually designed by a woman and is very easy for women or men to learn from. It is widely referred to as the most superior martial art in the world, and it is very effective. However in actuality no kung fu style is superior to another, because it depends on the individual. In the words of Grandmaster Yip Man "Good Kung Fu doesn't depend on age or sex, nor is it about styles, it's on you."

But to answer your question more directly from my own research Kung Fu kicks Karate's butt. :)

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Q: Which is much stronger Kung Fu master or karate master?
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