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One of their greatest enemys were the mongols as well as china.

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Q: Who fought the Samurai?
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How did the samurai fight?

they fought fiercely

How do you use samurai in a sentence?

The bold samurai soldiers fought a surly battle to the end.

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Who fought the aristocracy of early Japan?

The Dannoura fought the aristocratic army, the Heike, or Japan in the Genji war. The Samurai army was also involved in this war.

When the samurai fought the new army it is called?


Did samurai women fight samurai men?

they fought along side men agaist men or rarley womon

Did samurai meet dragons?

yes, they meet them, befriended them, and fought them.

How did the position of samurai women change from the 12th to the 17th cenrty?

Samurai women became completely under the control of men.

Who would win if a spartan fought a samurai?

One on one a samurai would most likely win. Samurai had more advanced and better crafted weaponry, and they were trained more for one on one combat.

What is the history of the samurai Musashi?

He was a famous swordsman. He may have fought Sekigahara under Ukita as a common soldier.

In a fight samurai or ninja?

it is completely circumstantial you can't say that a ninja would kill a samurai every time and vice versa ninja and samurai fought all the time but the ninja wouldn't always win or lose same goes for the samurai Or be jesus and kill them both with the holy hand gerande.

Was the samurai warriors more beneficial or more harmful to Japan?

they were beneficial because they fought wars to protect their people.