Actually, Batista is or might be single. Last time I heard he was. And that was 2 weeks ago. I saw him on an interview. I am his biggest fan! And hopefully soon 2 be wifey! And even if he was married, its nobodys buisness.
July 21, 2008 Batista and Angie divoreced about a year ago, he is dating Melina.
Batista's not married at all, he's divorced.
Batista is divorced and currently single
No Dave Batista is not gay he is married with beautiful children.
I think he is married
batista is not gay and he is married to me and i m a girl and my name is cheyenne hear is my e mail
Dave Batista was married two times (Glenda 1990 to1992)and(Angie1998 to 2006)
Yes, It is, But I think that Batista and Melina were married since late 2007
no he is married to cheyenne and have kids
Dave Batista is divorced now, he has 2 or 3 kids and the kids are girls.
I am married to Cheyenne and have kids