Jeff Goldblum's birth name is Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum.
Jeff Goldblum was born on October 22, 1952.
Jeff Goldblum is 58 years old (birthdate: October 22, 1952).
No, Jeff Goldblum is still alive.
Jeff Goldblum
Jeff Goldblum has never mentioned in any interviews whether he likes pomegranates or not.
Yes he did and he probably would like to forget it.
He has been married twice, but has no children.
My name is Jeff and I'm the same height (6'4.5") as Jeff Goldblum. I wear a size 14. Hope that helps.
Jeff Goldblum played Leonard Hayes in a 2003 episode of Friends called 'The One with the Mugging.' Friends aired for 10 seasons.
As of February 2012, no.
He never died.