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Dude, It's a couple ( Naruto and Sakura)

It's a couple!! (Naruto and Sakura)

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Q: Who is narusaku?
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Related questions

Is there any Kishimoto interview talks about Narusaku?

No . But he said that Narusaku are more close and Naruhina are like more epic love life. Narusaku will happend. Sasusaku will never happend that's for sure

Does narusaku happen?

It is not confirmed yet. Well, yeah! It happens! Dont worry all narusaku fans, there is no naruhina!

Is there any narusaku moments?

yes tons of narusaku moment how do i know because i watched shippuden good enough to see that.

Will NaruSaku work?

Wait and see

NaruSaku is real right?

Well.. They aren't really together.

Why is narusaku so annoying?

because he's a sad depressed loser.

Do you like narusaku?

Does not matter. It matters if it is indeed possible, which it is, very much.

Is NaruSaku two-sided?

Yes, Sakura only thinks of Naruto as a friend

Will it be naruhina or narusaku?

I don't know...How can we? Hinata's really sweet. but it's Sakura that Naruto loves

Who will win Narusaku or Naruhina?

As Kishimoto hasn't even bothered to hint at NaruSaku since chapter 469, has confirmed Sakura'scontinuousfeelings for Sasuke in chapter 559, andchapter 615 being so blatantly pushed at the reader,NaruHina looks to be the most likely outcome.

Who will naruto end up Dating?

Currently naruto isn't dating anyone. If it does happen, it most likely will be NaruSaku.

Does Sakura tell Naruto she likes him?

yes episode 849 might be here also sorry American narusaku fans