The wolf might win the dog, but the officer will kill it with its pistol.Answer 2:The wolf would win because it is stronger, has stronger teeth, and has bigger jaws.
A wolf typically has stronger jaws than a pit bull dog. Wolves have evolved powerful jaws designed for hunting and taking down large prey in the wild, while pit bulls were selectively bred for different qualities such as gameness and strength but do not match the jaw strength of a wolf.
Yes, wolfdogs are stronger than any other dog breed due to their recent wolf blood. Their jaws are stronger as well.
Wolf+Dog :)
Yes their is such dogs as wolf dogs. A wolf dog is a mix of a wolf and a dog
Wolf Dog was created in 1958.
It is bigger with more muscular power than a wolf. That's how a bear's stronger than a wolf.
a dog
All dog's are wolf related, they are all a sub species of the wolf. A dog can breed with a wolf and produce fertile offspring. If a dog cannot breed with a wolf then it is not a dog but another canine.
Yes. The wolf is sacred of a dog. The dog's in (canines).
A gray wolf is stronger because it out weighs the hyena and is mored skilled than a striped hyena, not to say that a striped hyena is just a weak scavenger like most people say. Think about it like this, if a striped hyena is attacked by a large dog it will feign death, if a wolf is attacked by a dog, it will kill it, even the most powerful dogs. A more equal fight would be a gray wolf vs spotted hyena.