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Q: Who is the girl in pigtails in WWE?
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What hairstyle does Alex wear in wizards of Waverly place daddy's little girl?

Pigtails and Ponytail

What does it mean if a girl satisfies your fetish?

A fetish is something not normally considered sexy that someone finds attractive or gets turned on by. So if someone has a fetish for, say, tomboys, he finds tomboys really sexy, and a tomboyish girl would satisfy his fetish. Or if he has a fetish for girls in pigtails, seeing a girl with pigtails turns him on, and that girl satisfies his fetish.

In the movie Matilda who did Ms Trenchable take by her pigtails and throw in the air?

The blond girl named Amanda =)

What are the yellow pigtails called on club penguin?

the pigtails are called The Funster! i want some pigtails lol !!

How do you get pigtails on club penguin?

You don't there is no pigtails on club penguin.

When was Pigtails - album - created?

Pigtails - album - was created in 1981.

Name a little girl hairstyle that adult women sometimes wear?

ponytail pigtails bowl cut braids

Where do you get blonde long pigtails on Fantage?

to get it, you must make a new account on fantage and look for the girl with a long pigtail, like me, i join fantage and chosse a girl with it.

What are pigtails?

pigtails are like 2 ponytails that stick out the side of your head.

Was there a peanut butter in the fifties call Schnieder's peanut butter with a blonde girl in pigtails on the label?

Yes and i am the only one who remembered it.

What was the TLC kids show with the pale alien thing named Noodle and the purple girl with pigtails?

Okay, took some searching but I found him! The show's called "The Save-Ums." The girl with the pigtails is Jazzi, and then there's Noodle, along with Foo and Ka-Chung, etc. It used to be played on Discovery Kid's 'Ready, Set, Learn.'

Does Goldilocks have pigtails?
