The new manager is anonymous and he or she has been sending messages through Michael Cole but i think it's either Stone Cold Steve Austin or Shawn Michaels. They also say that Bret Hart may be able to return as manager.
Nobody knows. The Raw manager is currently anonymous.
mike adamle before that it was mr McMahon
You cannot unlock Armando Estrada on SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 because he is an non playable character.
Iterim general manager means a general manager is put in until the other one returns or until a new permanent one is found
i wan to know who is Phil harry in London ,he said he is general maneger in brunel
This is not a question, and is a 'maneger' something like the English word "manager"?
No, Michael Cole is not the General Manager of RAW.
The General Manager of RAW is unknown.
Their Dad
Carlo ancelotti
Mike gillis ( general maneger of the canucks) his mailing address is: 800 Griffiths way Vancouver, B.C. Canada jvb 6g1