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Q: Who is the sukiest wresteler?
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Who is the tallest wresteler?

The Great Khali

Who is the strongest wresteler?

the great khali

Who is the weekest WWE wresteler?

santino marella

Who is the new WWE wresteler?

sin cara and jacob caas

Who was cindi laupers father?

he was a pro wresteler....

Who is the oldist wresteler?

it's definitely hulk hogan i mean he is 56 years old

Which WWE wresteler supports Manchester United?

I believe Chris Jericho and MVP (Montel Vontavious Porter) are.

When is a wresteler king of the ring?

Well if you mean when NOT why Then it is WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE Hope it Helped (:

Who was the first Indian wresteler in wwf?

There was no Indian wrestler in WWF.The first Indian wrestler is the great khali who came in WWE in 2006.