Hulk.Hands down.there is nothing sasuke could do that would damage the hulk badly in any way.If he uses the sharigans genjutsu on him the hulks anger would be too powerful for the sharigan to do anything.Hulk wins.
i disagree. second person editing here. Sasuke would probably use chidori and kill the big green guy who can grunt.
EDIT: Hulk has survived and overtaken MASSIVELY STRONGER mind traps than the Naruto worlds genjutsu, he's survived super novas, punched an asteroid the size of two worlds in half, and regenerated from a skeleton. there's no real reason why Sasuke could win, unless you ignore every single one of the Hulks abilities and are bias.
hulk will win.
hulk would destroy all of them. so hulk would win.
Hulk would win.
naruto vs sasuke has fight before but sasuke lost so naruto can win but goku can to
the Hulk no contest the hulk would win and walk away without a scratch
superman and hulk
Hulk is Strongest