John Cena
John Cena has won the Royal Rumble twice. He won in 2008, and he won in 2013.
John Cena won
john cena won the royal rumble match
Shawn Michaels has won the Royal Rumble twice: in 1995 and 1996.
John Cena
John Cena won the 2013 Royal Rumble and he turns out to be only the 4th man in history to win the Rumble twice, this is an extraordinary feat that very few people can achieve.
Shawn Michaels won the 1995 royal rumble he also won the 1996 royal rumble
John Cena actually entered the Royal Rumble 2013 at Number 19 and won to face The Rock at Wrestlemania 29.
Royal Rumble 2006
He has not won a royal rumble