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Q: Who won the match between cena and sheamas 28.12.09?
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Who is r truth best friend?

not john cena i think it is sheamas

Who won the Extreme Rules match between John Cena and Batista?

John Cena was the winner of the match.

Who won the match between John cena and jbl?

John cena

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John Cena

Was the rock vs john cena match fixed?

yes the match between cena and rock was 100% fixed

Who won the you quit match between cena vs miz?

John Cena.

Winner of match between john cena and miz in over the limit 2011?

john cena

Who do you think will win cm punk or john cena?

Cena For Sure = = If your saying a match between the two I would have to say Punk. Cena is overrated and doesn't bring much to a match.

Who will the match between john cena and wade barret at hell in a cell?

john cena if you mean who will win it

Who won between the rock and john cena at wrestlemania 28?

The Rock won the match.

Who will win at WrestleMania 27 between The Miz and John Cena?

The Miz and John Cena do not have a match at Wrestlemania 2012. In the wrestlemania pay per view in 2012, John Cena will face The Rock. As of now, Miz does not have a match at the wrestlemania pay per view event. As for the match between rock and cena, we cant predict who will win

Who win at TLC match between john cena and wade berett?

John Cena won the match because he droped 23 chairs on to Wade Barrett