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Goku. He is a super saiyan, the saiyan race has the ability to get 10x stronger with each battle; win or loose they still get stronger. Let alone Goku is a super saiyan, which is merely impossible to reach in the saiyan race. Sora from Naruto is very strong and she may be the four-tails, in my opinion, does not stand a chance. I can't even believe Superman would win against Goku, just my personal opinion.

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13y ago
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14y ago

sephiroth easily fusion is a different story sephiroth goes one winged angel mode heartless angel 1 life left for goku sephiroth speeds up and black materia

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9y ago

Kratos would win with all his awesome weapons and kill him and goku son would die to if he dares to stand up

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12y ago

Defenitley Goku. Dragon Ball Z Is Awesome. Adventure Time Sucks. What Moron Would Think Finn Would Win? Goku Will Win Between Finn Anytime.

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