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GOD trumps all.

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Q: Who would win in a fight - the Internet or God?
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Well, they wouldn't fight. Jesus is God's son and neither of them would fight each other and they would not fight anyone or anything. Neither would win as they have equal strength because Jesus is God. And God is God. But, like I said they would never fight.

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God because he is definitaly more poweful.

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trick question chuck Norris is god

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The God of lightning. Zues would destroy Althena

Who would win in a fight between god and the devil?

angels,, they will flirt with demons..then kill them..:)

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kratos because of his weapons and magic and also a god but link has a god mask and an ocarina that can disrupt time

If kratos from god of war fight thor from marvel who would win?

Thor would win because he can easily use Odin Force to destroy Kratos.

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Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.

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John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight

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I would win.

Who would win in a fight Kratos or Ares?

Kratos would win because we defeat Ares in god of war 1. Kratos is much more powerful with his blades and magic.