Ravage wins because he is stronger than a calm hulk and thing is weaker than a calm hulk and ravage has a healing factor thing does not he is smarter than thing and he can just beat up thing. So ravage wins.
Ok thing and colllosus have no chance in winning so it would be maestro abomination and ravage.I have to go with maestro because he can lift 200 tons while ravage and abomination can lift 100+ and there strength and healing factors does not increase while maestros does and he is hundreds of years expierienced at fighting and is the smartest won there is and hulk has beaten ravage and abomination alot while hulk could not really beat in a combat and maestro has also a thunderclap and a smash and a shock wave when he moves his body in a certain way so he is definetly first place. Abomination would beat ravage because they are the same strength and smarts but he is better at hand to hand combat so he is second place. Ravage will beat thing and collosus because he is stronger than a calm hulk and the thing and collosus are always weaker than hulk. So ravage is third place. Thing will beat collosus because he is strong enough to lift 85-90 tons and collosus could lift 70 tons so thing is forth place and he is more skilled at fighting than collosus. And last poor collosus is in last place. 1. Maestro 2. abomination 3. ravage 4. thing 5. collosus
the Hulk no contest the hulk would win and walk away without a scratch
The Thing can lift a cruise ship. Mr. Incredible can lift a train. So, the Thing would probably win. They're both pretty strong though.
Lions vs African Buffalo 60% Lion would Win !! lion vs Elephant 80% Elephant Would Win Lion Vs Tiger ? Tiger would win 90% Rhinoserous vs Lion Very Difficult for Lion zebra vs Lion ? Lion would win 80% giraffe vs Lion Lion would win 70% of the Time
hulk would destroy all of them. so hulk would win.
hulk will win.
magneto hes smarter than every one except maybe dr doom and he controls metal so take out wolverine and juggernaut the thing would pose a challenge tho
Thing would win. He would punch him 8 times in order to knock him out. The only thing Wolverine can do is claw him. Rock is weaker than claw. Thing is still stronger but Wolverine can only claw his legs. Thing would rip Wolverine's heart out.
The Chupacabra would win.
The elephant would win.
Hulk would win.