St. Francis Hospital of The Sisters Of The Poor Of St. Francis was created in 1865.
The address of the St. Francis Branch Library is: 3519 Bridge St NW, St Francis, 55070 9754
Michael the Archangel is usually shown with a sword which he uses to fight off evil demons.
The address of the St Francis Historical Society is: 1074 Main Street, St Francis, ME 04774-3215
St. Francis's last name is Assisi. He is also commonly known as St. Francis of Assisi.
They have a sword saint (Kensei - Miyamoto Musashi) so I would assume they have other saints.
The address of the St Francis Historical Society Inc is: 4235 S Nicholson Avenue, St Francis, WI 53235
The address of the St. Francis Public Library is: 121 N. Scott, St. Francis, 67756 0688
St. Francis died because he had STD from his mom. :)
St. Francis Terriers was created in 1896.
St Francis F.C. was created in 1958.
Francis St John was born in 1634.