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Beacuse there trying to look cool

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Q: Why do bad guys like batista carlito and cm punk grow hair?
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Related questions

Will batista grow his hair again?

never,he removed his hair like women used to do,with fire!

How do you get long hair for guys?

You have to let it grow out for a while. Girls are different our hormones make our hair grow faster.

Why do guys hair grow faster?

it just does... freaky fact of life

Are all guys able to grow their hair long?

Unless there is something actually wrong with their hair, like baldness, then yes they can grow it long if they want to.

Do guys grow hair under there arm pits?

When they reach puberty - yes.

How do you get your hair to look like the wrestler Carlito's?

comb it every day

How do guys grow their hair out to be long?

just let it grow, if its curly, well, you have to straighten it first, and its a guy with long hair typing here, so you can trust on me, cause i know how to deal with hair

How old are most men when they can grow a beard?

Most guys start to be able to grow significant facial hair around 16

Does vodka make your hair grow faster?

No! Other than a hair transplant there is nothing on the market that will make your hair grow. If you are losing hair (a guy) then get it cut in a nice style (shorter) go to a hairstylist (lots of guys go.) Longer hair makes the hair look thinner when you're losing hair.

Do guys like long hair or short hair?

long all long like 5,99ft that long for women/female/females to grow their hair so LONG also tell if your girlfriend to NOT EVER CUT HER HAIR keep it long longer the sexier ;))

When will hair start to grow on guys dick?

Its very diffirent from person to person, put it started with me when i was about 13 years.

Why do girls grow hair on their body?

They have a small amount of testosterone just like guys. But not nearly as much, which explains why girls dont have as muh hair as a guy.