you cant but you can create her
Nohe is not on smackdown vs raw 2008.
Batista is on Smackdown VS Raw, Smackdown VS Raw 2008, Smackdown VS Raw 2007 Smackdown VS Raw 2009, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and will be in Smackdown VS RAW 2011 and so on...
Yes, The Rock is in SmackDown vs Raw 2008.
wwe smackdown vs raw 2008
She is 36 so i put her 36
i think smackdown vs raw 2008 is the best one
Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 is not a PC game. Sorry.
No, but you can in smackdown vs. raw 2009.
yes he is going to be in smackdown vs raw 2008
At Gamestop, Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain is $4.99, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 is $9.99, and Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 is around $20, depending on the system.
No, The Miz cannot be unlocked in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008. However, he is avalible in the sequel, Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.