HornswoggleAsManager- Unlocks Hornswoggle As Manager PlayAsJillianHall- Unlocks Jillian Hall SatNightMainEventSvR- Unlocks Saturday Nights Main Event Arena Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam- Unlocks Curt Hawkins + Zack Ryder AltJerichoModelSvR09- Unlocks Chris Jericho Costume B FlairWoooooooooooooo- Unlocks Ric Flair UnlockECWDivaLayla09- Unlocks Layla UnlockECWTazzSvR2009- Unlocks Tazz UnlockSnitskySvR2009- Unlocks Snitsky BoogeymanEatsWorms!!- Unlocks Boogeyman BooyakaBooyaka619SvR- Unlocks Rey Mysterio Costume B
ViperRKO: Unlocks Randy Ortons Referee attire.
Bow Down: Unlocks Shawn Michaels DX attire.
CENATION: Unlocks John Cenas Street Clothes.
Suck IT!: Unlocks Triple Hs DX attire.
The Great One: Unlocks The Rock as playable superstar.
BonusBrawl: Unlocks Dirt Sheet Brawl Arena and Vince McMahons Office Brawl Arena.
Milan Miracle: Unlocks Santino Marellas Street Clothes.
you just enter a code, the after that go to my wwe, and save game
enter OhHellYeah! to get the attitude era wwe championship
Cheat code ThePeoplesChamp
I have no freaken idea
At the main menu, select "My WWE", "Options" and then "Cheat Codes".
there will be an i quit match but also if you put the cheat code wwe 45658 you will unlock wwe 2011
There really are no cheat codes to the WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2007 video game. I have looked everywhere on the internet. There just aren't any.
i want to unlock the nexus in playstationportable wwe smackdown vs raw 2011
No there are not cheat codes on WWE 13
go to my wwe on the menu then options, cheat codes and then type in BoogeymanEatsWorms
go to, wwe what are the cheat codes for smackdown vs. raw 09.
OhHellYeah! to unlock wwe's attitude era's heavyweight title