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One can sell a 2005 Buick Rendezvous privately by advertising the vehicle for sale in local papers or auto magazines. Alternatively one can take it to a local dealership, or offer it in part exchange for a new vehicle.

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Q: Where might one be able to sell a 2005 Buick Rendezvous?
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Where can I get a Buick rendezvous manual?

Previous Answer: They have not made one yet. They should I have never worked on a more difficult vehicle than this one. New Answer: Register your car at http:/ [new form of mygmlink site], and there you will have access to the owners manual and getting to know your Buick RDV document. Here is a link : If these dont work, register your vehicle at the GM Owner portal at Yahoo [you only need the VIN number], and you should be able get the one for your make and year. You can even manage your OnStar and other GM Services account. Go on Ebay and look for Rendezvous or Aztek Service Manual for the year of your car. Look for the actual GM Service Manuals used by GM service technicians. There should be two books for your car, which completely covers bumper to bumper. You can also find similar information in a Haynes manual for a Chevrolet Venture Minivan, but there are going to be differences there.

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One may be able to find the warranty for the Buick Company by going to their website, or you may call a employee and ask them directly about the warranty.

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