Strictly speaking, it is not. It is a Presidential Dictatorship. However, the method of presidential succession is monarchical, in that sons replace fathers as Presidents.
Jordan (Though it should be noted that Jordan is Constitutional Monarchy- not an Absolute Monarchy).
It is neither of those three. Syria is a Republican Dictatorship, which is to say that Syria has the general laws and procedures that make it a republic (such as a President, a Congress, etc.) but whose rulers are not elected, even though they should be. Syria has been under martial law from 1967-Present.
There is no 'African' king that fought King Solomon of the united monarchy. He only had troubles near the end of his life with the areas of Edom (modern Jordan) and Aram (southern Syria today).
One private company of Syria is Central Bank of Syria. Two other private companies of Syria include: MTN Syria and Syriatel.
Syria is in Asia
Absolute monarchy
No, Syria and Turkey are two separate countries. Syria is located to the south of Turkey and shares a border with it.
Syria is in the northern and eastern hemisphere
Syria is located in the continent of Asia.
Syria is located in the continent of Asia.
The similarities between a monarchy and constitutional monarchy are that their are both monarchies.
Syria and Israel