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Q: What country voted to keep the queen in 1999?
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What country of the british colonies voted to keep the queen as a their monarch in 1999?


Why did Queen Victoria make rules?

To keep the country under control.

Why they keep the allblack coach?

N.Z voted and they decided to keep him

Did queen make up We will rock you?

Queen's first single was "Keep Yourself Alive."

What would happen if England had no parliament?

Then the Queen will rule the country and decide the laws and taxes, if England had no Queen either then it will go to complete Anarchy rule where there is no law and the people get away with anything, the whole country would turn into complete chaos. Education would stop, Hospitals fall apart and criminals get away with everything. Which shows how much we rely on Parliament to keep the country together.

What does the queen keep in the Tower of London?

Her jewels

When was A Charge to Keep created?

A Charge to Keep was created in 1999.

When was Keep On Chooglin' created?

Keep On Chooglin' was created in 1999.

Why can Kate be Queen not the Princess That is what they keep saying now during the Royal Ceremony That she will become Queen?

They say that because when the Queen of England dies Kate will become the queen. =)

Who was voted of x factor last night?

The results are going to be on tonight so keep your eyes peeled !!

What are some of the queen official responsibilities?

The Queen of England doesnt rule the country like in the old times but she has some influence on the parliament and she advices the Prime Minister. She overlooks and organzies national ceremonies, does charity work, and is still the main figure of the nation (she represents England in events like a meeting with the US President or Prime Minister of some country.)the queen is a modern lady that like to live for her country to help others and receive help from others.

What is the Girl Guide Promise in Wales?

It was, and still is the same as the rest of the UK. I promise that I will do my best, To love my God, To serve my queen and my country, To help other people, And to keep the Guide Law.