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The most number of queens a person can have in a game of Chess is two.

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Q: What is the maximum number of queen a player can have in a game?
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What is the maximum number of queen a player can have in a game by one side?

I assume you mean the game of chess. The player starts out with one queen; the only way to get additional queens is to promote pawns - convert pawns into queens by taking them to the far end of the board (row 8 for white, row 1 for black). Since there are eight pawns that can be converted to queens, that makes a theoretical maximum of 9 queens, assuming standard chess rules are followed.

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The Queen?

he queen (♕, ♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess. It can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the powers of the rook and bishop. Each player starts the game with one queen, placed in the middle of the first rank next to the king. Because the queen is the strongest piece, a pawn is promoted to a queen in the vast majority of cases.

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The maximum number of players in unknown at this time. The game is not out yet and Treyarch has yet to say what the maximum number is going to be.

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Micheal phelps

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Can you play as the queen alien in the aliens vs preditors game?

no you can not but you can play as an alien called number 6

In carrom board game if queen is pocketed by opponent's coin then queen is placed in center or not?

If while shooting for the queen you also sink one of your pieces, the queen is automatically covered, no matter which went first. If queen is pocketed, and while covering the queen, opponent's carom is pocketed, then the queen is palced back on the board and the player loses the turn.

How many queens can you have in chess when you have the pawns go across the board?

At the beginning of a chess game, each side (or color) has one queen. However, each pawn that makes it to the opposite end of the board may be 'promoted' to a queen. If every pawn promotes to a queen, then a player could have a maximum of 9 queens (the one they started with plus the eight promoted pawns). This is highly unlikely since it is very difficult for a pawn to safely make it to the other end of the board. Plus one or two queens is all that a player should need to put his or her opponent in checkmate!

When was The Game - Queen album - created?

The Game - Queen album - was created on 1980-06-30.

How many maximum number of overs can be bowled in a T20 match?

20 per innings, so 40 in a full game

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.