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Daisies that have been joined together to form a chain or circle are commonly associated with the concept of sisterhood.

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Q: What represents sisters?
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The number of brothers and sisters in your family represents what kind of distribution discrete or continuos?

Discrete. The number of brothers or sisters can only be integers (leaving aside half-brothers!).

What does the sun represent in the Franklins quotation?

In Benjamin Franklin's quotation, the rising sun on George Washington's chair represents America.

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The answer to your question is that sisters, sisters and sisters are all the same word and it is a silly question.

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The people who sang sisters were sisters, called Sis and Ters.

What is the difference between sisters and sisters'?

"Sisters" is the plural form of "sister," referring to multiple siblings who are female. "Sisters'" is the possessive form of "sisters," indicating something that belongs to the sisters, such as their belongings or qualities.

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She has 16 sisters

What is the plural of sisters?

The plural form of sister is sisters.

Does Katrina Kaif have 2 sisters?

No, Katrina does not have 2 sisters. She has 7 sisters including herself. Mellisa and Isabelle are 2 of her sisters.

How can the word sisters' be used in a sentence?

Sisters' is a plural possessive, meaning "belonging to the sisters." The sisters' dog is not very friendly. We went to the sisters' party.

What is the plural possessive noun for the word sisters?

The plural possessive noun for "sisters" is "sisters'".

What does transactions mean?

It is recording the transaction, including a brief explanation.