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1)Transistors 2)Capacitors 3)Resistors

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11y ago

resistor, capacitor, transistor

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Q: At integrated circuit level what are the three principal constituents of a computer system?
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What does IC stand for in a computer?

Integrated Circuit

How integrated circuit help in reducing size of computer?

Since, there are no wired connections between the components of an integrated circuit, definitely the size of the computer effectively got reduced with the introduction of ICs.

IC full form in computer history?

The answer to this would be Integrated Circuit.

What are the main stages of computer production?

There are four main stages: Stage 1: Tube Computer Stage 2: Transistor computer Stage 3: Small and Medium Scale Integrated Circuit Computer Stage 4: Large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuit computers

What does pin 1 do in an integrated circuit?

That will depend on the integrated circuit.

What computer technology invention made computers smaller faster and inexpensive?

The integrated circuit chip.

What was invented in 1958 that combines all parts of a computer?

If you are thinking of the Jack Kilby integrated circuit (see image above) of 1958, it was only a one transistor analog sine wave oscillator - not all parts of a computer!It was not until 1971 that Intel put a complete 4 bit CPU (the Intel 4004) on an integrated circuit - but not all parts of a computer.One of the first integrated circuits to actually put all parts of a computer on one integrated circuit was the Intel 8048 microcontroller in 1976.

Is capacitor a part of integrated circuit?

A small capacitor can be part of an integrated circuit.

Definition of micro processor?

An integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer.

What is the full name of pspice?

PSPICE stands for Personal Computer Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis

Inventions of the 1960s?

Integrated Circuit Video Computer Game "SpaceWar" Cassette Computer Language "BASIC"

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