

Best Answer

Yes a simple exp is the link list.

struct node


int data;

struct node *link;


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Q: Can structure contain a pointer itself?
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Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself?

Yes, it is quite common. Example: struct List { struct List *Next; int value; } typedef struct List List; Example2: typedef struct Tree Tree; struct Tree { Tree *left,*right; int value; };

What is the difference between structure and pointer?

A structure is a collection of primitives or other structures. A pointer is a memory address. Comparison of the two is like comparing bowling balls to cinder blocks. You can say that a structure defines the layout of the data, while a pointer points to data that is a particular structure.

What is pointer to a member in objective c?

It is a pointer that points to a member of a structure.

What happens if we use an integer pointer as a member of structure instead of structure pointer?

By declaring an integer pointer you are declaring that any non-zero reference stored in the pointer is guaranteed to be an integer reference. In order to guarantee the reference is actually a structure, the pointer must be declared as such, because casting an integer to a structure can never be regarded as being type-safe.

Can pointer point itself?


How can one create a pointer to structure in C?

Create a pointer of the type (pointer to struct) and assign the address of an instance of the structure to your pointer: typedef struct x { /* ... */ }; struct x my_structure; struct x* ptr = &my_structure;

What is pointer why you use pointer?

Pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable. Since pointer is also akind of variable, thus pointer itself will be stored at a different memory location.

Why pointer is not an object?

A pointer in itself is not an object, because it is not an instance of a class. Of course you can define a class which has only one member, which is a pointer. class Pointer { public void *ptr; }; Pointer p, q, r;

What is pointer to a structure?

A pointer is a variable that holds address information. For example, in C++, say you have a Car class and another class that can access Car. Then, declaring Car *car1 =new Car() creates a pointer to a Car object.. The variable "car1" holds an address location.

32 can you create a linked list with out structure pointer?

Not in C, no.

How can you use pointer is data structure?

Your question makes no sense.

How is a structure type pointer variable declared?

struct thisorthat *ptr;