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When you see the cheat code in between the 1 and 2 level type in wizweb

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What does aniwzcs2 service do for the computer?

ANIWZCS2 Service is an "All-Knew Old Fashioned Updated Hi-Tech Wiz-Bang" feature on your computer.For the purpose of this Walter Mitty Rocket Launching tale, a rocket is about to be launched into outer space and you are in command of the helm of the rocket launch button. The name of this new rocket is the "Dlink".Think of the "ANIWZCS2 Service" this way:Imagine yourself working at the NASA Space center in Houston. You're in a fairly large white room known as "Mission Control" otherwise known as your computer.From the outside, your Mission Control room appears to be all locked and boarded up, all closed in from top to bottom like some big old spooky house.You imagine what's going on behind closed doors. As you set outside as an innocent by-stander, a new program called "Green Space Flight Z-77" is underway. A "GREEN" collective unit designed to line the pockets of executives of our Space Program with allot of GREEN MONEY. That's the only GREEN thing about it.In actuality INSIDE those locked doors everything is totally sanitized with white floors and walls with more all-new hi-tech wiz-bang electonic gadgets than Carter has pills.Just for sport, let's call that room "Mission Control" and you're the Head Honcho, the Big Cheeze, the Big Boss Man, MISTER BIG SHOT.Imagine - As you set at your NASA personalized station at Mission Control, you once again notice your computer's "On-Off" button is lit up. You closely assess a legion of little switches and buttons in a semi-circle fashion in front of you.You're about to push the round Launch Button to launch the "Dlink Rocket" from it's launching pad into outer space. The Rocket Launch Button on your desk is back-lit in a yellow color and with embossed words, "ANIWZCS2 Launch Pad Service" It's like Pre-Staging at a drag strip to activate the yellow light.OKay, now you're pre-staged!You push the "ANIWZCS2 Launch Pad Service" and white smoke rolls out from under the rocket in all directions as the rocket sets on the launch pad powering it's thrust rockets for take-off. That let's you know the "ANIWZCS2 Launch Pad System" is in operation.Now you're staged!You look down at the legion of hi-tech wiz-bang gizmos on your desk and you notice a small round yellow light telling you, "Your ANIWZCS2 Launch Pad System is in operation and is now transferring power to launch the Dlink Rocket".Time for final stage of lift-off: You push the green button, "Dlink Take-Off".The green lights go on and you have lift-off!You look down at the legion of hi-tech wiz-bang gizmos on your desk and you notice a small round green light telling you, "Your ANIWZCS2 Launch Pad System worked successfully (similar to the way a Trans-Brake works in a drag race car.) Power was transferred to launch the Dlink Rocket".The Astronaut reports back to you over the loudspeaker, "Houston this is Dlink reporting a successful lift-off with all WPA/WPA2 encrypted networks fully operational and in use."Stay tuned for the next Walter Mitty "FTP Rocket to Mars Mission".

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