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You do not have to connect your router to your PC via ethernet cable, you can instead connect via wi-fi and your router must be connected to your hub.

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Q: Do you have to connect your router to your PC via ethernet cable or can you connect via wifi and do you have to connect your router to your hub?
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What connecting device do you use for a small LAN for two or more connected networks?

For a small LAN network, a switch is best. To connect two or more LAN networks, a router is required. (2) From Jean Andrews CompTIA A+ sixth edition (page #852): You can use a crossover cable to connect to computers without a switch or hub making it the simplest network of all. For two or more you will need a switch, hub, or router.

What is a WiFi router?

A wireless router is a device that performs the functions of a router but also includes the functions of a wireless access point and a network switch.In essence, it allows you to connect to the router without an Ethernet cable and have access to the internet.

How do you set up a PS3 up to the internet?

To set up internet on your PS3 first you must make sure that you have a wireless network with a internet connection in range of your PS3, or have an Ethernet cable from a router with internet plugged into your PS3. Next go into Settings>Network Settings>Set Up Connection. Follow the instructions on screen making sure you input valid information. Submit and your PS3 should connect to the internet!

Can you buy wifi?

No. You have to be in range of a WiFi router (mostly this is limited to 100 meters or so for any one router). However there are space based router satellites that one can connect to from almost anywhere (where you can see the sky) if you have the correct equipment. This is what journalists use when they are in the field.

How can you extend a Wi-Fi singal to the far end of the house?

There are two main ways to do this: 1. If your wireless router supports WDS, get another WDS-compatible router, and configure it to connect to your main router. 2. If your router is not WDS-compatible, you can pick up a wireless range extender for about $20-$30.

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Does ps2 slim need wifi for the internet?

No it can connect with a ethernet cable to your modem or router

How do you connect a wireless router to the back of your ps3?

A PS3 has WiFi and you can put the router next to your modem. The only thing the back of a PS3 uses for the internet is for a wired connection with an ethernet cable to your router or modem instead of a WiFi connection

Can you get online for the PS3 with just cable?

If you want to know if you need WiFi to get online then no you don't. You can connect an ethernet cable from your cable modem or from a router to the ethernet port in the back of a PS3

How do you get to your router from your computer?

Typically, one of three ways: An ethernet cable, which is the most common. Merely connect an ethernet cable to your computer and the router. A USB cable, less common. Same connection. A Wireless system (WiFi), becoming widespread. Requires WiFi antennas on both the router and the computer.

What equipment is needed to go online with PlayStation 3?

An internet service provider and a modem or router you can connect an ethernet cable to or a WiFi Modem Or router for a WiFi connection.

How do you hook up sony playstation 3 to comcast cable?

Purchase a router and an ethernet cable and connect the router to the cable modem and then connect everything to the router if you get the wireless router then you connect wired devices to the back of the wireless router and you can go WiFi to connect the PS3 or connect it with ethernet cables for a better connection.

Do you need wi fi to get wireless connection on the ps3?

Yes The PS3 was designed to connect with WiFi or ethernet cable. It can not connect to WiFi if you do not have the equipment to allow a WiFi connection like a wireless router or modem

What is required for PS3 online?

You must subscribe to an internet service and have WiFi modem or router or connect an ethernet cable to your PS3 from a router or a Modem with internet service

How do you connect psn with a modem?

You connect you PS3 to the Modem to allow you access to the PlayStation Network with either an ethernet cable or a WiFi connection with a wireless modem or router

What is needed to connect Ethernet and internet through a DSL or cable modem?

First you must have an internet service provider and it then depends on what equipment they have provided. An ethernet cable will connect to a modem or a router and go to the device for a wired connection. I used a Cat 6 ethernet cable and a router to split the signal from my first cable modem to a router and then from my PS3 and PC connected 2 more ethernet cables to the back of the router. Later Comcast sent a gateway modem and that already had WiFi and more than one spot to plug in the ethernet cables and I put my router away

Can you connect your ps3 directly with your internet cable i dont have a modem nor router only internet cable can i still connect with that?

No. The PS3 can only have a wired connection with an ethernet cable. The only other connection that is possible is WiFi. The PS3 can only connect to the internet with WiFi or ethernet cable no other type connection is possible. You can not use the HDMI or USB port to connect the PS3 to the internet. I do not believe a router can be connected to the internet cable without a modem or that you can have cable internet without a modem

Can you get online to a ps3 without an Ethernet cable or router?

PS3 can only get an online connection with DSL or Cable WiFi or ethernet