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Q: How can I replace a windows32haldll file on a computer that won't boot up?
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How do you find boot time scan file in quick heal?

Quick heal is a type of DNA scan on a computer file. This helps to remove issues and do a clean boot of the computer.

What boot file allows you to start a program automatically when you start your computer?


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Q: What is the recommended size for the boot file system? A: The /boot file system is recommended to be 50MB.

What are the 3 stages of Windows Vista startup?

Windows Boot Manager (bootmgr)File,Windows boot loader (winload.exe)File and the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) File

What parts of a computer do viruses infect?

Their are many parts of a computer that viruses infect. Most viruses infect a certain file or program so that whenever that file is run, the virus is also executed. Some viruses called Master Boot Record viruses infect the Master Boot Record of your computer. The Master Boot Record is the partition of your computer first executed when you boot up your computer. When you turn on your computer, it runs all the programs inside the Master Boot Record partition and then passes control to other child processes. Viruses in this class infect the Master Boot Record so that whenever your turn on your computer, the viruses runs at startup too. These viruses are very tricky to find as they hide in a very deep part of your Operating System and manually deleting them could damage your computer.

Why won't explorer exe boot with the rest of the commands?

The explorer.exe file is an executable file to run Windows Explorer properly. In the Microsoft Windows operating system, the explorer.exe file runs and has a graphical user interface that you can see when you are opening hard drives or files. You should try restarting your computer when you can not boot the explorer.exe file.

How do you fix rundll32exe?

The best way is to copy the file from another computer with the same operative system but this involves to remove your hard drive from your computer. (if the computer do not boot up). Best regards

Which phase of the windows xp boot when two operating systems are installed on the same computer?

boot.ini = file used to identify the default operating system and other operating systems if more than one is present. The boot.ini file has been replaced by the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) File in windows vista

Why NTLDR is not a Windows 2000 key boot file?

NTLDR is indeed a key boot file in Windows 2000 and all of the Windows operating systems since Windows NT. A machine will not boot without that file.

How can a coppy a file from windows to linux in dual boot?

boot the system you need the file to be in, and navigate to the other systems folders.

What are the five known computer viruses?

1.Trojan 2.Worm 3.File infector 4.Macro 5.Boot Sector viruses

What has the author John S Howard written?

John S. Howard has written: 'Boot disk management' -- subject(s): Computer software, Operating systems (Computers), Solaris (Computer file)