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The simplest way would be take digital pictures put them on your computer and then use Windows Movie Maker to turn them into a movie you can then even add thinks like voices by clicking to narrate the timeline

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12y ago

You can not slow down footage on a camcorder, as it records in real time. To do a slow motion effect, you must use an editing program and deliberately slow down the clip. The only other way around this would be to have your actors or subjects move as if they were in slow motion.

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What you do is you take a lot of pictures, as you take each one you move it a little. If you keep doing this your video should be pretty good. p.s. try using clay, or legos

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Q: How do you make a stop motion video?
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Can you make a stop motion video with your phone?

yes record a video, and then move a thing pause the video move the thing pause the video and keep doing this then you have made stop motion. or take pictures and put them together on your pc

Can you take pictures on your iPod touch then put them on your computer to make a stop-motion video?


How can you make a stop motion picture with Windows Movie Maker?

I found this interesting YouTube video tutorial on how to create stop-motion animation on Windows Movie Maker (if that's what you mean by stop motion picture). You can find it at this URL:

How do you put as top motion video on you tube?

You need to make it first, then you press upload to make a stop motion video. I recommend (Sony Vegas), look it up and find out how to use it. A lot of the YouTubers such as CaptainSparkles, UberHaxorNova, PewDiePie, and more use it!

How do you make a stop-motion movie?

The easiest/quickest way to make a stop motion video is with a digital camera, ( a tripod is helpful), and editing software such as iStopMotion, iMovie (MacOS) , windows movie maker, adobe flash, for a few examples. There are many ways to make a stop motion, but generally you will set up your camera on your tripod, set up your scene , and then you will take a photograph for each frame of the video. So if you are going to use 24 fps (frames per second) for a 10 second video, you will need to take 240 photographs to fill that 10 seconds of video. Using clay for characters is probably the easiest to learn with.

What is the video where its stop motion and a guy falls into the water and a helicopter saves him?

The Guardian.

What computer software is used to make a stop motion video?

You can use Windows Movie Maker and put the photos in a time-line that the software uses.

How do you put a stop motion pictures together to make a video on windows movie maker?

Visit the URL posted below (copy and paste it into your address bar). The young fellow in the video tutorial explains step-by-step how to make stop animation video:

Can you use a iPod nano for stop motion animation?

yes you can by going to video camera, then to make a frame, you press record, but do not do make it go past a second, and repeat until your'e finished.

How do you make a Lego stop motion video?

this is a way for a regular camera: you take a picture of a Lego ship and then move it and move it again and you can repeat it as many times as you want.

Fun and creative things to do at home?

Make your own movie starring you or use inanimate objects as people. you can use a camera and shoot it as stop motion or use your video recorder and stop motion it that way or just look at some old pictures and remember all the good memories!

How do you make your own potter pals video?

You can only make the cartoon version of potter puppet pals without making the puppets.You can make stop-motion slides with the scene creator. Just go to: