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I'm not an expert on this, but it was in the movie Knowing with Nicolas Cage... and they signed it by making two fists and putting your hands together and rotating them in a circle (like you're stirring a pot) and then you put one thumb on top the the other and push them outwards (like you're pushing a button, but keep your hands in a fist)

and if that didn't make any sense at all, cause I'm pretty sure it didn't... you can go here:

which is a preview trailer for Knowing, and Cage and his "son" do it in the first few seconds....

Hope that helped!

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Q: How do you say together forever in ASL?
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With pointer finger up and hand facing you, move your hand in a circle.With palm down and thumb and little/pinkey fingers out - other fingers down, move hand forward and away from you.

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